Past Exhibitions > TIME IS UP!


Featuring works by: Iris Dai, Nicholas Eliades, Sarah Howard, James McCracken, Liz Saco, Danielle Serigano, Arianna Shaljian, Emily Stone, Lauren Trahan, Jill Verzino, Chenli Ye, Zhiyi Zhou

Organized by Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock

December 11, 2015–February 29, 2016
Reception: February 2, 2016, 6 to 8 pm

The current exhibition in the Lipani Gallery, TIME IS UP!, brings together the twelve artists who participated in the 2015 Senior Seminar in Visual Art. The work on display represents a snapshot of their endeavors thus far and provides a glimpse into their upcoming senior thesis exhibitions beginning in March 2016. Their chosen mediums range across architecture, design, painting, photography, and urban planning. Accordingly, their styles and topics vary; however, their attention to craft, concept, and message is consistently deliberate and thoughtful.

Reaching a consensus in a group of twelve is no easy task and deciding on the title for this exhibition was no exception. In the last ten minutes of our last class we were still deadlocked without a title, or card image. Then, as happens each week, a mischievous colleague slid a scrawled note under our classroom door. This “gift” was held up and the class immediately concluded that our task was complete (think smart, not hard). Presently, this is where Iris, Nicholas, Sarah, James, Liz, Danielle, Arianna, Emily, Lauren, Jill, Chenli, and Zhiyi stand. Nevertheless, one can expect further interesting developments in the months to come.