Isabelle Langley

Time is often viewed as a linear trajectory of experiences that represent a person’s life. I see my work as manipulated symbolic time lines; images of complex circuitous journeys that represent life. Our bodies are the vessels that carry our creative explorations. I combine these worlds by using medical references that signify the physical, interjected with my manipulations of space that create a refracted representation of my life experience. My work is a dissection of this timeline that is broken and rearranged to reflect the complexity of the journey. Alignment is my personal order of things. An exploration of the body mixed with the vastness that is the universe. Bright colors, linear forms, shifting shapes, and layered mediums are organized in a matter that evokes an ordered chaos. The chaos is the soul of the piece, while the subject matter is the body. Lines interrupt the paintings as a way to create movement and fluidity throughout the work. Although the piece reads as a completed work, a finished creation, the lines disrupt it in a manner that is a metaphor for life’s uncertainties. Alignment takes the basic structures of anatomy and rearranges them into something of the spirit.