Pauline Lu

Show May 11-21
Reception/Opening May 11
As a child, I spent every day situated before my television screen ready to plunge myself into the different realities that each show created. It isn’t surprising that I, squinting harder and harder to take in every ounce of the experience, needed glasses by the young age of 5. The television experience of moving images bled into my reality and changed how I saw things both literally and figuratively.
Similarly, my work with 3D video projection mapping seeks to challenge viewers to reevaluate how they perceive reality by distorting their sense of perspective. My use of geometric shapes as projection surfaces emphasizes a desire to demystify art and bring it to a relatable, yet stimulating level. With a background in architecture, I will create projection designs that employ geometric elements that highlight spatial relationships. My work seeks to form a visual narrative that engages and captivates the viewer, similar to the feat accomplished by Adidas’ “All In” video projection campaign in France in 2011.