Faculty Spotlight Card

Faculty Spotlight 2013
Fordham University’s Ildiko Butler Gallery
November 4, 2013 – January 17, 2014
Wednesday, November 6, 6 – 8 p.m.
Featuring works by:
William Conlon
Sandra McKee
Ross McLaren
The current display of works in Fordham University's Ildiko Butler Gallery is the 2013 installment of the annual Faculty Spotlight Exhibition. Each year in the fall three members from different disciplines within the Department of Theater and Visual Art are asked to share a sampling of their production with the Fordham community. This year, painting is represented by William Conlon, architecture by Sandra McKee, and film/video by Ross McLaren. Despite the clear differences in their mediums and approaches, their works generate a lively dialogue about interpretations of space and representational methods.