Liz Saco

Corporeal Landscape
Through a series of charcoal drawings derived from a study of classic sculptures, Corporeal Landscape examines the disorienting experience of shifting familiar sights into otherworldly contexts. Using the most familiar and personal of forms – the human body – as a source of manipulation, this 2.5’ x 20’ piece plays with the viewer’s eye through surprising transformations of arms, legs, fingers, and other bodily forms. Calves morph into collarbones, elbows into knees, thighs into forearms. Thickly-contrasted tendons and ligaments – some anatomically fictional – produce a deeply graphic quality. Empty voids engulf portions of the body, yielding a surreal push-and-pull effect. Overall, this bodily landscape coaxes viewers to decide what they perceive as real and unreal.
Liz Saco