Lynda Caspe

Lynda Caspe
Biblical Bronze Reliefs
June 21—July 10, 2023
Fordham University, Exhibit Hall, Walsh Library
Reception for the artist: Thursday, June 22, 4—6
Exhibition organized by Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock
The Sculpture of Familial Conflict
The extremely tactile and luminous nature of bronze as well as the enormous effort and time necessary to actually produce a sculpture, invites reflection on the artist’s intention. Exactly what passion drove Lynda Caspe to create relief sculptures? Diverting from the norms of most of her career that pleasantly explored landscapes urban and rural, as well essays into the human figure, I believe her forays into Biblical reliefs have drawn her into a vortex of conflict and tragedy simmering just below the surface of contemporary life. An Exploration into sibling rivalry has quickly expanded into many dark corners of familial conflicts.
Caspe’s bronzes represent a rare utilization of this permanent medium seldom seen today. The exploitation of biblical subjects to her personal ends is no less unusual. Her expressive handling neither echoes the academic work of some contemporary sculptures not the Abstracted expressions of de Kooning or Matisse. Rather her creative roots are found in the bronze reliefs of Ghiberti’s Doors of Paradise and then significantly forged in modernist expression and narrative honestly.
Richard McBee, artist, and critic, member International Association of Art Critics. Other reviews of Lynda Caspe’s work can be found at
The Department of Theatre and Visual Arts wishes to acknowledge the following people for their assistance:
Lynda Caspe
Tania Tetlow, President of Fordham University
Joseph M. McShane, S.J., President Emeritus, Fordham University
Roger A. Milici Jr., Vice President for Development and University Relations
Michael R. Trerotola, Ph.D., Chief of Staff
Linda LoSchiavo, MLIS, MA, Director of Libraries
Gabriella DiMeglio, MLIS, Archives and Special Collections Librarian
Jennifer Udell, Ph.D., Curator of University Art
Laura Auricchio, Ph.D., Dean, Fordham College at Lincoln Center
Maura Mast, Ph.D., Dean, Fordham College at Rose Hill
Aseel Sawalha, Ph.D., Chairperson, The Department of Theatre and Visual Arts
Vincent Stracquadanio, MFA, Gallery Programmer